On 9/11/2013 9:03 a.m., Georg Baum wrote:
Jerry wrote:
I know that LyX has hooks for some computer algebra systems (Mathematica,
Maple, Maxima) and Octave. I have played with these a little (Octave and
Mathematica) and it seems potentially useful but possibly not fully
developed in LyX.
It is only very basic (and therefore not much advertised).
I'm curious to know how you and others have used this corner of LyX.
I did not use this interface. I did manual calculations involving bigger
equations that I would otherwise have done on paper. I used LyX only because
I could easily incorporate corrections (and print the result again for final
proof reading).
Slightly off topic, but the LaTeX package calcul83.sty, lyx module and
explanatory document at
allow numerical evaluation of formulae in LyX's math editor (also some
extra facilities like iterating functions and creating tables of values)
using instant preview, without having to hunt through the menus to
activate a CAS. In fact the expl language of LaTeX3 seems to me
sufficiently usable and powerful enough to create a CAS in TeX.
Reinventing the wheel of course but it would be kind of nice to have
such things evaluate under instant preview.