On 10/26/13 1:25 PM, John Coppens wrote:
On Thu, 24 Oct 2013 17:53:35 -0600
Ken Springer <snowsh...@q.com> wrote:

But, as I wrote in news://news.gmane.org:119/l4bi37$vh$1...@ger.gmane.org,
if I help by reporting bugs I find in a program, assuming that reporting
is requested by developers, shouldn't there be some thanks shown by
fixing the bug?

Many, if not most projects include a 'THANKS' file in their packages with
the names of people who collaborated in the project. Not all include bug
reporters, which is fine by me if the report results in an improved version
of the free program. That's more than thanks enough for me.

Same here.  I don't care about a public thanks, just squash the bug(s).  :-)


Mac OS X 10.8.5
Firefox 24.0
Thunderbird 17.0.8

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