Also, I made another video

to show better how it works in the lyx-to-lyx and lyx-to-Pidgin cases.
I hope you like both the patch & the video, which is a bit dedicated to Ireland 


On 22/10/13 00:43, Tommaso Cucinotta wrote:
> On 21/10/13 05:54, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
>> On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 8:54 PM, Tommaso Cucinotta <> wrote:
>>> Comments are welcome of course, as always.
>> Only that this looks cool :)
> If people like it, as I do, we could fine-tune it to get it in for the next 
> major release ?
> Let me recap current behaviour:
> a) launch the buddies pane
> b) enter login id, enter, a dialog pops up asking password (all these are 
> skipped once u save your credentials -- still to be added to the patch)
> b1) your buddies show up in the buddies pane
> c) double-click one of your buddies, you get your buddy-dedicated chat file 
> opened in ~/.lyx/chats/<buddy-id>.lyx, plus a chat line on the bottom where u 
> type
> d) everything u type in the chat bar, as well as received from remote, is 
> appended to the buddy specific chat file and auto-saved
> e) if u want to shut down net activity, click on disconnect (u can click on 
> connect to get back on-line)
> f) you can alter your availability/status from the status drop-down box 
> (unimplemented yet)
> No capability whatsoever to manage buddies, for now you can do that with 
> Pidgin or other clients.
> Among todos, a few nice icons to highlight online/available vs 
> offline/unavailable buddies to be added in the buddies pane.
> Chat files are regular lyx files. You can also edit them while chatting or 
> while off-line, or delete them etc. They're supposed to keep history (I know, 
> problems should they grow unbounded, but for now...). You can copy/paste back 
> and forth across your local files and the chat files/buffers.
> Text is tx-ed to the other end as exported LaTeX segment corresponding to the 
> paragraph you type, then imported back using Buffer::importString(). You can 
> send maths, tables, formats, headings, but if you try to send external 
> material such as a picture, the file is NOT tx-ed. Also, it should all be ok 
> with default doc settings. If u change them (notably, the doc class), then u 
> can create inconsistencies between the local and remote views (perhaps styles 
> that make sense here but not there etc...). For now, text is auto-tx-ed when 
> you type Enter, but this can be changed if deemed useful.
> Any comments, given the above ?
>       T.

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