Thanks, both solutions worked for me, exactly as I needed.

I didn't know anything about branches in lyx, looks really useful.

For the ERT approach, I had to look up the syntax for \ifx to make it
work, this is what did the trick:

[ERT] \ifx\iamthemaster\undefined [/ERT]
        ...put bibliography inset here...
    [ERT] \fi [/ERT]

On 7 September 2013 11:23, Richard Heck <> wrote:
> On 09/07/2013 04:52 AM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
>> Marx Gomes van der Linden wrote:
>>> My question is: is there any way to include the references at the end
>>> of each chapter when they are compiled as stand-alone documents, but
>>> to omit them automatically if they are part of the master document
>>> (which will have a single bibliography at the end of the whole thing)?
>>> What I'm trying to do is to be able to generate proper pdfs for the
>>> individual chapters with working references, without having to
>>> manually remove every bibliography section before generating the
>>> master document.
>> One way to achieve this is to define a branch (via Document > Settings >
>> Branches) which is active in the children and non-active in the master,
>> and
>> put the "BibTeX Bibliography" inset for each child into that branch.
> Another uses ERT. First, define some random command in the master, e.g.:
>     \newcommand\iamthemaster{Whatever}
> Then, in the children, test for this command's existence:
>     [ERT] \ifx\iamthemaster\undefined{ [/ERT]
>         ...put bibliography inset here...
>     [ERT] } [/ERT]
> Now the bibliography only gets included when the document is compiled
> standalone.
> I have not tried this for a while, but used to use this technique some years
> ago.
> Richard

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