
Anders is right, it's that simple and does not need assistance :-)-O
What he forgot is that you must run Tools -> Reconfigure after
installation and then Quit and start LyX again.

If the individual is computer literate, and is concerned about disk
space, I would install the Basic package from the same web site however,
and then on occasion install missing packages with the tlmgr
(there is a Tex Live Utility).

I did that on my airbook and it works so well, that I do same on both
the iMac at home and at the practice. Synchronization needs a little
thought but is easy with something like

        tlmgr info|grep ^i|awk '{print \$2}'|sed s/://g

giving all installed files which one feeds into the tlmgr on the other host.

And after each installation of a package that LyX needs to know about,
such as fonts. Linux Libertine does not come by default in the Basic for
example  but installs with the tlmgr. LyX then needs a Reconfigure to
become aware of it.

If you start from scratch writing LyX documents it's less of a hassle
because you are aware of what specific LateX packages you include and
thus must install and make available. Using an existing document
sometimes gives a cryptic error, but the log files then show the missing

And of course there is this newsgroup where one can ask :-)-O


on 2013-09-04 21:16 Anders Ekberg said the following:
> If you get stuck with Mac issues, send me a mail (or give me a call,
> number on Chalmers University website). It is really *very* simple:
> - Download and install MacTeX: http://tug.org/mactex/
> - Download and install LyX
> Done!
> /Anders Ekberg
> From: Påvel Nicklasson
> I work in Lund and use LyX every day. I can make a try, but I have
> little knowledge of Macs (Linux user), so I can't guarantee success. I
> suppose LyX will be the same, but the TeX system vill be different to
> set up. 
> You or your colleague can mail me so we can discuss if and how I could
> help.
> 2013/9/2 Wolfgang Engelmann <engelmann <at> uni-tuebingen.de
> <mailto:engelmann%20%3Cat%3E%20uni-tuebingen.de>>
> Hello, Lyx-users,
> I wonder whether there is a lyx user in Lund, Sweden, who could
> perhaps help a colleague at the university there to acquire Lyx for Mac?
> Wolfgang

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