Dear all:

I've a problem inserting the SAS output into my lyx file. I use ODS system in 
SAS and get a tex file. Then I try to use the program listing to add it into 
lyx file but failed. What should I do with it? Here I add the tex file from SAS 
output. Thank you very much for the help. I'm so frustrated with this problem 
for googling two days!


Attachment: output-to-LaTeX-fragment02.tex
Description: Binary data

在 2013-9-3,下午4:41,Liviu Andronic <> 写道:

> Dear Joyce,
> Please use 'Reply all' to send the message to the list.
> Liviu
> On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 7:35 PM, Zhan Joyce <> wrote:
>> Sure. Here it is. Thank you very much for help~
>> Joyce
>> 在 2013-9-3,上午2:00,Liviu Andronic <> 写道:
>>> Dear Zhan,
>>> On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 6:36 AM, Zhan Joyce <> wrote:
>>>> Dear all:
>>>> I've a problem inserting the SAS output into my lyx file. I use ODS system 
>>>> in SAS and get a tex file.
>>> It would help if you sent us a minimal example of such a .tex file.
>>> Liviu
>>>> Then I try to use the program listing to add it into lys file but failed. 
>>>> What should I do with it? Thank you very much. I'm so frustrated with this 
>>>> problem for googling one day!
>>>> Joyce
>>> --
>>> Do you know how to read?
>>> Do you know how to write?
> -- 
> Do you know how to read?
> Do you know how to write?

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