Mehrdad Oveisi <> írta:
>Thank you for your reply, Csikos. Let me simplify my question a bit.
>What I need is a combination of
>-- "abbrv" which abbreviates the authors' first names, and
>-- "alpha" which creates keys like [Tar56] which are short and readable
>as in the example in my previous email:
>[Tar56] A. Tarski. Logic, Semantics, Metamathematics....
>I am hoping something like that already exists.


I don't know if there is a style like that.

I made a style that might be that you need, see the attached alphabbr.bst
file. I only replaced line 193 of alpha.bst for line 192 of abbrv.bst file. 
are the lines which define how the names are formatted (format.names

Apart from this I suggest that you learn to use custom-bib, then you can define 
a style according to your needs.



Attachment: alphabbr.bst
Description: Binary data

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