On 2013-06-15, Pietro Cortese wrote:

> [-- Type: text/plain, Encoding:  --]

> Hello,

> I imported a latex template file from a project I'm working on. The project
> defined a latex preamble that conflicts with the elements that are added by
> default by lyx, therefore I need to export to latex and change the preamble
> before compiling my contribution.
> Is there a way to avoid lyx filling the preamble with its definitions?

> \usepackage[latin9]{inputenc}
> \setcounter{secnumdepth}{3}
> \setcounter{tocdepth}{3}
> \usepackage{amsmath}
> \usepackage{amssymb}
> \usepackage{graphicx}

> \makeatletter

Under Document>Settings:

You can disable the automatic loading of amsmath and amssymb.

You can change the used input encoding.

You can (probably) remove the "tocdepth" setting.

I find it convenient to open View>Source, show the complete document, and
start experimenting with the Document>Settings (applying every now and then
and checking the result).


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