On 06/11/2013 01:18 PM, stefano franchi wrote:
Here are the problems I found. My guess is that part of these are
LyX/XHMTL issues and part are due to AbiWord.
1. Bibliography did not come over and was just ignored. I had to copy
and paste from the pdf output. Biblatex issue?
Probably. If there's no BibTeX inset, then the bibliography will not be
produced, and I guess you don't have that for BibLaTeX, except maybe in
a note. So this is really an effect of the fact that we have no formal
support for BibLaTeX.
2. Footnote text came over but not as a footnote. It was just pasted
in the correct location but as a regular text.
Footnotes are just exported as div's, with class="footnote", so AbiWord
or whatever will not recognize it as a footnote. There's not really any
HTML equivalent of a footnote, so I'm not sure there is much to be done
3. Latex special character issues: "em-dash as triple hyphen" came
over as a triple hyphen and not as an em-dash. "tilde as non-breaking
space" (I routinely use that in references) came over as tilde.
The em-dash SHOULD be exported as such. There's code in
Paragraph::simpleLyXHTMLOnePar() that is supposed to handle this. It
works for me in a simple test document.
The tilde is a different story. Can you file a bug about that? We do
some LaTeX --> HTML conversion here, handling things like \"u, so I just
need to add handling of ~.
4. Images were pasted more or less where the floats were inserted, at
full original size.
Another bug. I suppose we should scale them somehow? Please post a bug
about this, too.
There's not really anything to do other than put the images where they
are inserted. HTML has no concept of a "page", so the placement options
make no sense.
5. Captions followed the images as regular text.
Similar to the footnote problem, I think. Probably we should switch to
using the new <figure> tag and the associated <figcaption> tag. Can you
also file a bug about that?
6. Formatting of the "paragraph" environment was lost (I guess it's
too deeply nested to have a corresponding h level?)
I forgot to include a tag for those. I've just fixed that for the next
release. See
for the commit.
Sorry to ask for so much bug-filing. With 2.1 on the horizon, I can't do
very much right now, as Vincent has trunk pretty locked.