Steve, of course he's right, but then he can google what DILLIGAF stands for :-)-O
I run a Obstetrician and Gynaecologist's practice for all documents, letters, reports, some recreated forms, prescriptions, presentations (beamer and recently discovered beamerposter), statistics (SWEAVE) and typed my wife's thesis using LyX and BibDesk. I like NeoOffice (OO on Mac), but only so that I can export to LaTeX and from there to LyX. However, I find it as difficult as you to convince people that they should make it easy on themselves and produce quality output with minimal effort :-)-O. They are just too lazy... el on 2013-06-09 15:36 Steve Litt said the following: [...] > ======================================= > "As for Lyx, you need to know that, with very few exceptions > none of which immediately come to mind open source programs > have great appeal for people who want to tinker with computers but > almost none for those who actually want to do something. Such > apps tend to have butt ugly interfaces and stupid names like Lyx > and Snort and Gimp and Phlegm. Last I saw, Lyx wasn't even > WYSIWYG, for crying out loud. Forewarned is forewarned. Or > something like that." > ======================================= [...]