Sorry to bother you with I suppose an easy solvable problem. However, I'm not capable to solve it.
My reference list at the end of my document produces entries with numbers before them. Like
"[1] Aune, Bruce (1977): Reason and Action. Dordrecht.
[2] Bentham, Jeremy (1996): An introduction to the principles of morals and
legislation. Oxford.
legislation. Oxford.
[3] Bratman, Michael E. (1999): Intention, Plans, and Practical Reason. Stan-
I only want my bibliography without the numbers, like
Aune, Bruce (1977): Reason and Action. Dordrecht.
Bentham, Jeremy (1996): An introduction to the principles of morals and
legislation. Oxford.
Bratman, Michael E. (1999): Intention, Plans, and Practical Reason. Stan-
Bentham, Jeremy (1996): An introduction to the principles of morals and
legislation. Oxford.
Bratman, Michael E. (1999): Intention, Plans, and Practical Reason. Stan-
I varied all the posibilities in: Document/Settings/Bibliography, but there was no different output. Furthermore I dont want to make my bibliography with BibTex, because i made quotations in the document about footnotes like in a word document.
I'm using LyX 2.0.6 with Windows XP. If there are some more parameters of my system which are required for a proper answer to my problem, let me know.
I hope somebody is willing to help me and remain
very grateful,
Lukas Zoller