Am 28.05.2013 12:02, schrieb Prof. dr. Robert J. Mokken:

The funny thing is that I am not aware of having intalled TrueTex!

I Installed, in the words of the LyX-for-Windows documentation,: "Bundle
with MiKTeX: LyX-2.0.6-Bundle-1.exe (206 MB). This installer is designed for
new users, additionally to the standard installer, it includes MiKTeX and as
Option the bibliography manager JabRef."

So I presumed to have installed MikTeX as the LaTeX backend, using LyX as
the frontend editor.

The installer respects the TeX engine you have already installed. The bundle installer assumes that you haven't used TeX before. Your case is a bit tricky because you are already using TeX and need another TeX engine for SWP than for LyX.

> 2. My previous LyX Bundle-1 intalled three sepatate Programs: LyX 2.0.6,
> MikTex 2.9 and JabRef 2.9.2 (which I like to try as BibTex editor, given
> years of agony with Endnote to BibTex conversion). Should I uninstall LyX
> 2.0.6 only or the other two as well?


1. uninstall LyX _completely_ but leave MikTeX and also JabRef installed!
2. reinstall LyX using the standard installer

The LyX installer shows you the TeX engine that was found in the Windows registry. Assure at this step that you change the path to the latex.exe of MiKTeX if TrueTeX was found.

regards Uwe

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