Am Monday, 20. May 2013, 00:01:06 schrieb Julien Rioux:
> On 28/09/2012 4:21 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > How can I separate the legend from the figure, so that the latter is
> > on one side of the document and the legend on the next (the figure is
> > too large and detailed, no way of reducing the size).
> Did you figure this out? It's an interesting question. 
!!see below!!
> Seems like one
> way would be to use the LaTeX package dpfloat, obviously in ERT since
> LyX has no knowledge of it.
> > And how can I avoid the page number on this particular figure side (it
> > is shown inside the figure).
> \thispagestyle{empty}


I found a solution for large legends of large figures. 
It is not the LaTeX package dpfloat proposed by Julien, but 
the LaTeX package fltpage. It puts a legend on the next page like:

Abbildung 4.10. (preceding page): Hormone kontrollie....

Here a short description:
I put in document>settings>latex preamble

%Fig left, caption right

which told me that fltpage.sty was missing.
A search
locate fltpage.sty 
showed me, that is was not in my texlive/2012, but in texlive/2011. I 
copied the folder /fltpage/fltpage.sty to the corresponding place in 

in the document (koma book) i used for the figures in question (all in ERT) 
\caption[Kartoffelkäfer: Hormone kontrollieren  Diapause]{Hormone 
kontrollieren ....<a rather long legend>}

note: [scale=0.5] reduced the size of my figure correctly; you might not 
need it or another scaling factor.
note: [Kartoffelkäfer: Hormone kontrollieren  Diapause] is a short title; 
without it the whole legend is put into the list of figures.

You can stop here reading. But some more details and drawbacks for the 
interested reader:

I had at my first attempt errors which I did not know how to handle, but got 
rid of them finally by just putting the ERT at a slightly different place. I 
tell this just in case somebody runs into a similar situation.

Secondly, the legend does not change 
(preceding page) 
into the German 
(vorige Seite)
and I don't know how to change it.
   Abbildung 4.10. (preceding page): Hormone kontrollieren ....
should be 
   Abbildung 4.10. (vorige Seite): Hormone kontrollieren ....

Thirdly, the ERT figure is not given in the Lyx document under 
list of figures
although in the pdf output the numbering is correct. It is a bit annoying, 
because the following figures are now miss numbered.

Finally, I want to justify, why I used A5 instead of A4 paper format.
I used before A4, but twocolumn style, because it helps in reading faster. 
However, the end of sections, subsections etc end often in an unbalanced 
way, i.e. left column full, right column just a few lines, which looks bad. 
The multicol style could help, but it puts the headings over one column, 
which I don't like, and a few more drawbacks which I mentioned in earlier 
Another reason is, that A5 is better readable in EBooks (especially in 
respect to the figures) - and there is hope that LyX will be able to produce 

Thanks for your patients and help,


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