You are totally right. I first thought to send an example file, but it seemed inappropiate to do so because I'm used to send pictures etc.

So here is an example file. It's the one I'm working with, only the first sentences and a random arabic phrase.



Am 30.04.2013, 20:22 Uhr, schrieb Scott Kostyshak <>:

On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 1:34 PM, Muhammed F. Bayraktar
<> wrote:
It should be obvious what is what. Lyx is Input, how it looks, and PDF is
created by xetex.

Hi Muhammed,

I think it would be helpful to also send an example .lyx file.
Although it may seem obvious to you for how to make one, a lot of LyX
developers do not write in right-to-left and so don't know much about

See here for more reasons why a small .lyx file would help and how to make one:



Attachment: miniexample.lyx
Description: Binary data

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