Thanks Jacob. I see what you mean about the article = journal point in the apacite manual. I believe that there are some rare times one wants to insert a month in an article date so this makes sense.
The thing is that it does not work that way in APA with apacite. I don't get a month with it. With APA6 I get the month. Argh! In any case I can either edit the bibtex file or use apalike which with my small sample seems to work fine. I'll have to see how apalike works with more elaborate examples over the next few days. Thanks again. ________________________________ From: Jacob Bishop <> To: John Kane <> Cc: Users LyX <> Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 2:20:05 AM Subject: Re: APA6 vs APA. APA6 includes month in the date e.g. (1999, June) John, I'm not an expert on apa6, for sure. However, it seems to me that the behavior you are seeing is the exact behavior intended by the author of the apacite package. You can see the apacite manual for more on this The author explains that the month field is not generally used with articles, but support is present because it is necessary to put month in for magazines, which is currently equivalent to article. A little bit of searching reveals that this issue has come up before. For example, see The solution suggested in the second link was to use apalike as opposed to apacite (leave the module the same, just select a different bibliography style). This seems to work, but I'm not sure what other differences it introduces. I hope this helps, Jacob