On 28/11/2012 9:19 AM, Richard Heck wrote:
On 11/27/2012 03:01 PM, Allen Wilkinson wrote:
My problem is that if I want to show tracked changes in PDF view or
output I get these errors:
Package xcolor Error: Undefined color `LYXDELETED'.
Package xcolor Error: Undefined color `LYXADDED'.
after a modest finite extent of the document is processed.
If I delete changed and unchanged text from the document such that the
document is small enough, then PDF output with tracked changes works.
This is true whether I use Lyx PDF viewing, or run OS' pdflatex
compiler on exported .tex file.
If I disable 'show changes in output', then PDF output occurs without
Can anyone help me resolve this problem?
Odd that the "undefined color" is in all caps. Is LyX exporting this wrong?
I think we can only answer this with a test file that causes the problem.
The headers from that document class must be all caps. A similar error
happened with changes in section titles with the revtex document class,
which use all caps section titles. For some reason latex thinks that it
should also capitalize the color names. A workaround is to also define
the colors with capitalized names! c.f. http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/4625