On 12/27/2012 11:07 AM, Regina Anger wrote:
Hello Jürgen,
> Your file compiles fine here. This is with most recent TL 2012 and LyX
> 2.0.6dev. Maybe some of your packages are outdated. The versions are
> to the log file if you enter \listfiles into the preamble. Here's mine:
I am using the most recent packages (lyx, latex, ...) distributed with
*File List*
memoir.cls 2005/09/25 v1.618 configurable document class
mem10.clo 2002/07/27 v0.2 memoir class 10pt size option
mempatch.sty 2007/01/22 v4.8 Patches for memoir class v1.618
t1enc.def 2005/09/27 v1.99g Standard LaTeX file
inputenc.sty 2006/05/05 v1.1b Input encoding file
latin9.def 2006/05/05 v1.1b Input encoding file
float.sty 2001/11/08 v1.3d Float enhancements (AL)
amsthm.sty 2004/08/06 v2.20
amsmath.sty 2000/07/18 v2.13 AMS math features
amstext.sty 2000/06/29 v2.01
amsgen.sty 1999/11/30 v2.0
amsbsy.sty 1999/11/29 v1.2d
amsopn.sty 1999/12/14 v2.01 operator names
which seem to be *really* outdated, compared to the package-versions
you list.
Does this mean I manually have to update my latex installation? Is
there any way you can recommend, without re-compiling my whole
The whole situation is a bit sad, as I am sitting behind a ~100kBit/s
GPRS line :/
Ugh. Well, if you have a laptop and can take it somewhere with better
speed, you might want to try using the updated TeXLive repository, as
described here:
It takes a while to download it the first time, but then you should be OK.