dear list members and developers,
i would like to make a full installation of lyx 2.0.5
under windows 7 (64bit). your home page does not
offer a possibility for this.
if i choose
<> (~200 MB)
then i am made to install a basic miktex which i
do not need at all. (as a matter of fact i have a full
miktex (32 bit) installation which i use with winedt 7.0 )
if i choose
<> (~35 MB)
then i am supposed to have an older installation which
i do not have. (it is also not clear from the description what
to do with the older installation -- in case you have it.
if you overwrite it your registry will be full with
unnecessary things, if you uninstall it first then there is
no a previous version of lyx on your computer).
a last question: can lyx work together with miktex 2.9 64 bit?
please help.
thank you in advance.
with kind regards
györgy szeidl
prof. györgy szeidl
department of mechanics
university of miskolc
3515 miskolc-egyetemváros