On Fri, 16 Nov 2012, Matthias wrote:
Yes, setting a fixed column width in Lyx should do the trick.
Matthias, I thought this would be the case; it was at the end of a long day so I didnot experiment before asking for confirmation.
Here you can find additional infos if you want to define the column width relative to the page width: <http://lyx.475766.n2.nabble.com/why-are-the-table-too-wide-td480746.html> One additional hint: Since the columns of the table have margins, the total width of the table is not equal to the sum of the fixed column widths. I found out that a table with one column and a fixed column width of "100% text width" has not the same width as a table with ten columns and a fixed column width of "10% text width".
All very good to know. Thanks! Rich