On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 2:32 PM, Richard Heck <rgh...@lyx.org> wrote:
> On 10/11/2012 04:47 AM, Steve Litt wrote:
>> On Wed, 10 Oct 2012 21:53:34 -0400, Steve Litt said:
>> Putting "LatexType Environment" in the LyX definition causes the next
>> paragraph to be of the same environment as the current one. This
>> doesn't give me the feature of the next paragraph after a DiaryHeader
>> being a DiaryParagraph, but at least consecutive DiaryParagraphs are
>> automatically the same style.
> I don't think we have a "NextStyle" tag, but it would be useful. File
> an enhancement request if you wish.


is the behavior of the sectioning environments hardcoded then? They do
return to the "Standard" environment on the next paragraph, even
though the stdsections.inc layout file does not mention any
"NextStyle" tag, as you said.


Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies            Ph:   +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University                          Fax:  +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA


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