
Thanks for your time.  I am trying to insert a *.bib file by doing the standard:

Insert -> List/TOC -> BibTex Bibliography -> Browse

but my *.bib files are grayed out.  

Any ideas why they are grayed out?  I did not see any syntax errors in the 
files.  I even made a dummy *.bib file:

  author      = {A. Le Pichon},
  title       = {Assessing},
  year        = {2009},
  journal     = {J. Geophys. Res.},
  volume      = {114},
  pages       = {D08112},
  doi         = {10.1029/2008JD010907}

but that didn't work either.  I had it working before, but it for some reason 
stopped working.  


Kristoffer T. Walker
Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics
University of California, San Diego
858-534-0126 (o)
858-534-9873 (f)

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