On 08/31/2012 05:13 AM, Jutta Alt wrote:
English version see below
ich habe ein Problem mit nummerierten Formeln in Lyx. Ich möchte gern eine Formel teilen, sodass
sie auf 4 Zeilen steht. Dabei sollte das "=" immer untereinander stehen. Und die gesamte
Formel sollte eine "nummer" haben.
Wie kann ich das erreichen?
Vielen Dank
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Jutta Alt
I´m using Lyx and there is a question about numbered formulas. Is it possible to
write a formula in 4 lines, so that the =" are above and below one another? The
lines should have the same number, which means, that is only formula. How can I do
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Jutta Alt
Look for Eqnarray under the Insert>Math menu. Sorry, but I don't know
the label for that in the German version. On my system, it is the 4th
line in that menu. Then you can attach a label (a number) to one line
of that multi-line formula (you can also attach separate labels to each
line if needed).
David L. Johnson
What is objectionable, and what is dangerous about extremists is not
that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant.
--Robert F. Kennedy