That should be the best solution for this particular case, but you are
right this problem needs to be solved at a lower level in knitr or
Sweave, or LyX's math mode. The difficulty on R's side is from parsing
\Sexpr{} using regular expressions. In your case, the R code should be
0.5^{2} but knitr sees 0.5^{2 because } terminates the code.

Yihui Xie <>
Phone: 515-294-2465 Web:
Department of Statistics, Iowa State University
2215 Snedecor Hall, Ames, IA

On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 2:33 PM, Michael Bach <> wrote:
> On 8/16/2012 9:25 PM, Michael Bach wrote:
>> Dear LyX Users and Developers,
>> today I tried to use the knitr (Rnw) module successfully when accessed
>> from Insert > Custom Insets > S/R expression.
>> When I tried to do that in inline math via \Sexpr{0.5^2} then the
>> display becomes 0.5² meaning that LyX correctly thinks I want LaTeX-ish
>> 0.5^{2}, but R will choke on that literal "{" in there.
> Ok I found a workaround for my specific issue, which is to use the
> alternative \Sexpr{0.5**2} for the exponent.
> Sorry for the noise, but suggestions / ideas are welcome anyway.

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