I had a crash of lyx after trying to paste a cut text into a lyx note which contained a reference. I got this:
p: inset: 0xa54eed8 idx: 0 par: 0 pos: 0 q: inset: 0xa553720 idx: 0 par: 0 pos: 0 lassert.cpp(35): ASSERTION false VIOLATED IN CursorSlice.cpp:188 Assertion triggered in void lyx::doAssert(const char*, const char*, long int) by failing check "false" in file lassert.cpp:37 Buffer.cpp(1252): /home/wolfgang/Photobiology2013/PB-20072012.lyx.emergency [1]+ Abgebrochen lyx I use Version 2.1.0 under Debian Should I report this, and where? Wolfgang