Hello to you all, Recently, I bumped into a 'bug' that effects the export of Hebrew LyX document into XeTeX documents. The bug was fixed by Jürgen Spitzmüller and myself, and it works grate for Hebrew. For more information, see http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/8251
But as Arabic and Farsi are also Right-To-Left languages, I assume this correction also effect these languages. From 1st glance, it seems that Arabic also works good now, but I have no real experience in writing Arabic\Farsi in LyX. If you do use LyX in Arabic or Farsi, I will be happy if you'll help checking it. System Req: - New version of LaTeX, like texLive 2011 (texLive 2009, as in Ubuntu, have an old version of Bidi and polyglassia packages, so you'll have to install them manually, http://ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/xetex/latex/polyglossia, http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/bidi/ ) - LyX, updated GIT version with the patch rtl2.diff from http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/8251 - Unicode-enabled TTF arabic\farci font. I used Debian package fonts-sil-scheherazade for arabic font. What to do: - In an old (2.0x) LyX version, write an arabic document. - Document->Preferences->Fonts. mark 'use non-Tex fonts' and choose a proper arabic\farsi font from the available combos. - Write a document that contains many braces, ( ) , <> , {} , [] [in Arabic\Farsi and in English, not in math) - Compile the document using XeTex (View->View [other formats] -> PDF (XeTeX) - Is the document compiled properly? is all the braces are as expected? Do the same thing with the patched GIT version: - Is the document compiled properly? is all the braces are as expected? If, in the patched version not everything works grate, please attached the original LyX file, the output PDF, and if possible, also the XeTeX output. Thanks, Ronen.