
This journal puts the abstract before the \maketitle command in the attached .tex file.

I attach the .cls file for any help.

Thanks, Allen

Allen Wilkinson                       (cell)  (216) 548-2349
1286 Yellowstone Road
Cleveland Heights, OH 44121  USA      (INTERNET) aw(at)chaff(dot)biz

On Thu, 12 Jul 2012, Richard Heck wrote:

On 07/11/2012 09:19 PM, Allen Wilkinson wrote:

I read all of Section 5.2 on layouts. I used it to modify the article.layout file to nagauth.layout, which is poor for nagauth.cls.

There are a tons of things being set in layout files, especially when you drill down into and its included .inc files.

In the linked file the "Style Address" is noted. How can I control the nagauth.cls \address definition be used {placing author addresses right after the authors on the title page} and not the \lyxaddress definition?

If you don't want to use that definition, then start with:
   NoStyle Address
and then redefine it as you wish, e.g.:
   Style Address
       LaTeXType command
       LaTeXName address
       InTitle 1
Pretty basic, but it should come close to working. LaTeX will take care of putting the address in the right place.

The same goes for "Style Abstract" in the file. How can I force the abstract to happen on the title page right after the \address content? nagauth.cls renames the 'abstract' to 'Summary' LyX output seems to botch that renaming.

I'd have to see nagauth.cls to be sure about this. In the article class, the abstract appears on a separate page when the titlepage option is given, and LyX's default definition is for that case.

I am looking for a manual on the structure and meaning of all elements used in layout files. Customization help file doesn't come close to that

I still don't understand what it is you want. You want something that says what each and every style that is defined does? If so, then I'm not sure why looking at the layout files themselves isn't sufficient. That's what I do.


% nagdoc.tex V2.0, 13 May 2010




\newcommand\BibTeX{{\rmfamily B\kern-.05em \textsc{i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em




\runningheads{A.~N.~Other}{A demonstration of the \journalabb\

class file}

\title{A demonstration of the \LaTeXe\ class file for the



\address{John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester,

West Sussex, PO19~8SQ, UK}

\corraddr{Journals Production Department, John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd,

The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19~8SQ, UK.}


This paper describes the use of the \LaTeXe\

\textsf{\journalclass} class file for setting papers for the



\keywords{class file; \LaTeXe; \emph{\journalabb}}


\footnotetext[2]{Please ensure that you use the most up to date

class file,

available from the NAG Home Page at\\



Many authors submitting to research journals use \LaTeXe\ to

prepare their papers. This paper describes the

\textsf{\journalclass} class file which can be used to convert

articles produced with other \LaTeXe\ class files into the correct

form for publication in the \emph{\journalnamelc}.

The \textsf{\journalclass} class file preserves much of the

standard \LaTeXe\ interface so that any document which was

produced using the standard \LaTeXe\ \textsf{article} style can

easily be converted to work with the \textsf{\journalclassshort}

style. However, the width of text and typesize will vary from that

of \textsf{article.cls}; therefore, \emph{line breaks will change}

and it is likely that displayed mathematics and tabular material

will need re-setting.

In the following sections we describe how to lay out your code to

use \textsf{\journalclass} to reproduce the typographical look of

the \emph{\journalnamelc}. However, this paper is not a guide to

using \LaTeXe\ and we would refer you to any of the many books

available (see, for example, \cite{R1,R2,R3}).

\section{The Three Golden Rules}

Before we proceed, we would like to stress \emph{three golden

rules} that need to be followed to enable the most efficient use

of your code at the typesetting stage:



\item[(i)] keep your own macros to an absolute minimum;

\item[(ii)] as \TeX\ is designed to make sensible spacing

decisions by itself, do \emph{not} use explicit horizontal or

vertical spacing commands, except in a few accepted (mostly

mathematical) situations, such as \verb"\," before a

differential~d, or \verb"\quad" to separate an equation from its


\item[(iii)] follow the \emph{\journalnamelc} reference style.


\section{Getting Started} The \textsf{\journalclassshort} class file should run

on any standard \LaTeXe\ installation. If any of the fonts, style

files or packages it requires are missing from your installation,

they can be found on the \emph{\TeX\ Collection} DVDs or from


\emph{\journalnamelc} is published using Times fonts and this is

achieved by using the \verb"times"

option as\\


\noindent If for any reason you have a problem using Times you can

easily resort to Computer Modern fonts by removing the

\verb"times" option.







%\documentclass[times,doublespace]{nagauth}%For paper submission


\runningheads{<Initials and Surnames>}{<Short title>}

\title{<Initial cap, lower case>}

\author{<An Author\affil{1},

Someone Else\affil{2}\corrauth\ and Perhaps Another\affil{1}>}

\address{<\affilnum{1}First author's address

(in this example it is the same as the third author)\break

\affilnum{2}Second author's address>}

\corraddr{<Corresponding author's address (the second author in

this example)>. E-mail: <corresponding author's email address>}

%\cgs{<Contract/grant sponsor name (no number)>}

%\cgsn{<Contract/grant sponsor name>}{<number>}




\keywords{<List keywords>}









\caption{Example header text.\label{F1}}


\section{The Article Header Information}

The heading for any file using \textsf{\journalclass} is shown in




\item[(i)] In \verb"\runningheads" use `\emph{et~al.}' if there

are three or more authors.

\item[(ii)] Note the use of \verb"\affil" and \verb"\affilnum" to

link names and addresses. The author for correspondence is marked

by \verb"\corrauth" and \verb"\corraddr" is used to give that

author's address, which will be printed as a footnote, prefaced by

`Correspondence to:'.

\item[(iii)] For submitting a double-spaced manuscript, add

\verb"doublespace" as an option to the documentclass line.

\item[(iv)] Use \verb"\cgs" for giving details of financial

sponsors; alternatively use \verb"\cgsn" if the grant number is

also to be included. These details will be printed as a footnote,

with `Contract/grant sponsor:' and `contract/grant number:'

inserted in the appropriate places.

\item[(v)] The abstract should be capable of standing by itself,

in the absence of the body of the article and of the bibliography.

Therefore, it must not contain any reference citations.

\item[(vi)] Keywords are separated by semicolons.








\caption{<Table caption>}



\begin{tabular}{<table alignment>}


<column headings>\\


<table entries

(separated by & as usual)>\\

<table entries>\\










\caption{Example table layout.\label{F2}}



\section{The Body of the Article}

\subsection{Mathematics} \textsf{\journalclass} makes the full

functionality of \AmS\/\TeX\ available. We encourage the use of

the \verb"align", \verb"gather" and \verb"multline" environments

for displayed mathematics. \textsf{amsthm} is used for setting

theorem-like and proof environments. The usual \verb"\newtheorem"

command needs to be used to set up the environments for your

particular document.

\subsection{Figures and Tables} \textsf{\journalclass} includes the

\textsf{graphicx} package for handling figures.


Figures are called in as follows:




\includegraphics{<figure name>}

\caption{<Figure caption>}



For further details on how to size figures, etc., with the

\textsf{graphicx} package see, for example, \cite{R1}

or \cite{R3}. If figures are available in an

acceptable format (for example, .eps, .ps) they will be used but a

printed version should always be provided. \medbreak

The standard coding for a table is shown in Figure~\ref{F2}.


The use of the \LaTeX\ cross-reference system

for figures, tables, equations, etc., is encouraged

(using \verb"\ref{<name>}" and \verb"\label{<name>}").

\subsection{Acknowledgements} An Acknowledgements section is started with \verb"\ack" or

\verb"\acks" for \textit{Acknowledgement} or

\textit{Acknowledgements}, respectively. It must be placed just

before the References.


The normal commands for producing the reference list are:



\bibitem{<x-ref label>}

         <Reference details>






where \verb"\bibitem{x-ref label}"

corresponds to \verb"\cite{x-ref label}" in the body of the article

and \verb"{99}" is the widest such number expected and determines

the width of the number column in the reference list.

Please note that the file \textsf{wileyj.bst} is available from

the same download page for those authors using \BibTeX.

\subsection{Double Spacing}

If you need to double space your document for submission please

use the \verb+doublespace+ option as shown in the sample layout in


\section{Support for \textsf{\journalclass}}

We offer on-line support to participating authors. Please contact

us via e-mail at\\


We would welcome any feedback, positive or otherwise, on your

experiences of using \textsf{\journalclass}.

\section{Copyright Statement}

Please  be  aware that the use of  this \LaTeXe\ class file is

governed by the following conditions.


Copyright \copyright\ \volumeyear\ John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd, The

Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19~8SQ, UK. All

rights reserved.

\subsection{Rules of Use}

This class file is made available for use by authors who wish to

prepare an article for publication in the \emph{\journalnamelc}

published by John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd. The user may not exploit any

part of the class file commercially.

This class file is provided on an \emph{as is}  basis, without

warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including but

not limited to warranties of title, or implied  warranties of

merchantablility or fitness for a particular purpose. There will

be no duty on the author[s] of the software or  John Wiley \&

Sons, Ltd to correct any errors or defects in the software. Any

statutory  rights you may have remain unaffected by your

acceptance of these rules of use.

\ack This class file was developed by Sunrise Setting Ltd,

Torquay, Devon, UK. Website:\\



\bibitem{R1} Kopka~H, Daly~PW. 2003. \emph{A Guide to \LaTeX} (4th~edn).


\bibitem{R2} Lamport~L. 1994. \emph{\LaTeX: a Document Preparation System} (2nd~edn).


\bibitem{R3} Mittelbach~F, Goossens~M. 2004. \emph{The \LaTeX\ Companion}

(2nd~edn). Addison-Wesley.




%Please  be  aware that the use of this LaTeX class file is governed by the

%following conditions:


% based on the original LaTeX ARTICLE DOCUMENT STYLE

% Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 by Leslie Lamport


% Copyright (c) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester,

% West Sussex, PO19 8SQ UK.   All rights reserved.


%Rules of Use


%% You are NOT ALLOWED to change this file.



%This class file is made available for use by authors who wish to prepare an

%article for publication in the


%published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. The user may not exploit any part of

%the class file commercially.


%This class file is provided on an `as is'  basis, without warranties of any

%kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to warranties of

%title, or  implied warranties of merchantablility or fitness for  a

%particular purpose. There will be no duty on the author[s] of the software

%or John Wiley & Sons Ltd to correct any errors or defects in the software.

%Any statutory rights you may have remain unaffected by your acceptance of

%these rules of use.



% Created by Alistair Smith, Sunrise Setting Ltd, 13 May 2010


% nagauth.cls --- For Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech.

\def\update{2010/05/13 v2.00}


\newcommand{\journalnamelc}{International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics}

\newcommand{\journalabb}{Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech.}





\ProvidesClass{nagauth}[\update\ \journalclass]

























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  \gdef\@keywords{\small{KEY WORDS:}\hspace{0.75em}\parbox[t]{28pc}{#1}}}


\skip\footins 22pt plus  8pt



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\long\def\@makefntext#1{\parindent 1em%




    \footnotetext[1]{Correspondence to: #1\stepcounter{footnote}}}}




  \gdef\@address{{\footnotesize\itshape #1}}}





Contract/grant sponsor: #1; contract/grant

number: #2}}}




Contract/grant sponsor: #1}}}









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\gdef\copyrightline{Copyright \copyright\ \volumeyear\ John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd.}







{\footnotesize\emph{\journalabb} \volumeyear; \textbf{\volumenumber}:\startpage--\endpage}\\[-3pt]

{\footnotesize Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/\DOI}





\textit{Prepared using \textsf{\journalclass} [Version: \update]\hfill}%





\def\@evenhead{\normalsize \thepage\hfill\footnotesize{\leftmark}\hfill\normalsize\phantom{\thepage}}

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\renewcommand{\@seccntformat}[1]{{\csname the#1\endcsname.}\hspace{0.5em}}



\renewcommand\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}%

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\let\endenumerate =\endlist

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\def\newblock{\ }



%\def\biog{\section*{Author's Biography}\small}

%\def\biogs{\section*{Authors' Biographies}\small}







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