-Note- I have deleted the message because I received two errors
You have lines longer than 80 characters. Fix that.
There's much more quoted text in your article than new. Prune quoted stuff.

Hopefully the message is posted under the correct link (fingers crossed).

I am on Windows XP using Lyx 2.o. I followed option two above 

Using Excel Spreadsheet ---> LaTex(plain)

and the path

c:\Program Files\Gnumeric\1.10.16\bin\ssconvert.exe
--export-type=Gnumeric_html:latex $$i $$o

I then reconfigure. 
An error remains when I select View PDF(pdflatex) and my
error is

cannot read from terminal in nonstop modes

I'm using Insert File | External Material. 
I change the select to GnumericSpreadsheet and Browse to my LongTable.xls. 
I tried moving the spreadsheet into the same directory as the Lyx file with no
different results. 

Sorry for the bother, Of course my real problem is I couldn't get more than 511
rows in a longtable on Lyx and this is my backup solution problem:)

Chris Walls

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