2012/7/6 sock:
> I had a hell of a time with this problem too.
> What I finally came up with was this: Use the regular keyboard tilde but add
> subscript formatting to get it to appear at the middle of the character. You
> can also add bold to make it more visible after that.
> Like so many things in LyX you have to workaround it or spend 10 hrs
> learning some useless programming knowledge to solve a problem.
> Sorry this response is 3 years late ;_;

Note that this is a feature (aka bug) of the LaTeX default font
(Computer Modern), which uses the accent tilde in the text tilde
position. If you switch to another font (for instance the
similar-looking "Latin Modern Roman"), you'll get the correct tilde
right away.

Nothing we can do in LyX here, I'm afraid.


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