stefano franchi <stefano.franchi <at>> writes:

> On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 9:08 PM, julien.babinot
> <julien.babinot <at>> wrote:
> > Dear Lyx users,
> > First of all, i would like to know if there is one favoured package for my
> > purpose between bibunits, chapterbib or biblatex?
> I have never used bibunits or chapterbib, but I can confirm that
> biblatex can do chapter bibliographies quite easily. It  lets you
> choose the sorting scheme (including the unsorted option). Even though
> biblatex is not completely integrated into Lyx, using it from lyx is
> quite easy. All you need is to load the BOTH the biblatex package and
> the bib files from the preamble. Using a standard bibliography in a
> lyx note allows you to choose references "the Lyx way." See the  wiki
> page on biblatex for the details:
> Cheers,
> Stefano
> Note: the wiki page has a warning about biber as not yet mature
> product. While biber is certainly not as mature as bibtex, I have
> found it extremely stable. On the plus side, biber allows you to use
> UTF-8 encoded bibliography files---a great bonus if you work with
> languages containing diacritics (i.e. accents).  I have switched to
> biber about three years ago and never regretted it.

Hi Stefano,

Thanks a lot for your answer. Following your advice, i am starting to use 
biblatex. To get used of it, I am making a simple test on a single document 
one bibliography.
I entered the preamble in Lyx, put my bibliography in a Lyx note and inserted 
some citations via the Lyx tool "insert citation".
However when i try to preview, my references are not recognized (they appear as 
a bold number, and nothing appears after \printbibliography ERT).
My .bib file is in the same folder than my .lyx file, but as i understand lyx 
cannot find it. I replaced the relative path of my file in the preamble by the 
absolut path but it has no effect. Am i doing something wrong?

Thanks again a lot for your help

PS: here is my preamble:
\bibliography{C:/Documents and Settings/Julien/Bureau/Test biblio/Publi1.bib}

I also tried to put my file in an absolute path with no spaces but i have same 

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