Ah sorry, that LyX Version number was lost during editing the email.

LyX was installed using the installer "LyX-2.0.3-1-Installer.exe",
which should be the latest one.

There is a newer installer which fixes a security issue in the same ImageMagick library.

Anyway, the problem did not seem Image-Magick related to me. Switching
to using "convert.exe" for PDF->PNG conversion fixed the problem after
all. It was the default converter, that did not work -- and that uses
ps2eps in an intermediate step, which should be related to the LaTeX
distribution rather than Image Magick. Your answer seems to indicate,
that LyX is meant to use Image Magick for PDF previewing by default

The default should use the script "Resources\convertDefault.py" which indeed should use ImageMagick's convert.exe.

I'm not sure which step goes wrong for you.


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