On 04/10/2012 04:13 AM, Peter Contor wrote:
On 09/04/2012, Richard Heck<rgh...@comcast.net> wrote:
On 04/09/2012 01:07 AM, Peter Contor wrote:
On 09/04/2012, Richard Heck<rgh...@comcast.net> wrote:
On 04/08/2012 06:57 PM, Peter Contor wrote:
Hi all. This is my first posting to this mailing list, so apologies if
I'm doing something wrong.
My system:
Windows Vista Home Premium Version 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2 Build 6002
LyX 2.0.3
MIKTeX 2.8
Description of alleged bug:
I open a new file in LyX, open a display style formula box (with
Ctrl-Shift-m), type in an M, save the file and export it to HTML (with
File> Export> HTML). The PNG file containing the image of the M has
it unrecognizably blurred.
If put to M's in the display box (MM) and repeat the export, the PNG
file is considerably less garbled. Even less so with three M's. From
about 6 M's onwards, the image is clear.
I used M's to fix ideas: the same happens with any single character.
If I export to LaTeX and use TeX4ht (htlatex) to convert to HTML,
nothing of the above happens on my system.
Is tex4ht being used by LyX here? or what?
My understanding is that it's not; i.e., thay LyX uses it's own
scripts/whatever to export to HTML. It is I who used TeX4ht to see if
it would act differently than LyX. It did.
If you want to export using LyX's internal export, then you have to
export to the LyXHTML format. If you export to "HTML", then what you get
depends upon how your converters are configured and could be lots of things.
I doubt you are using LyXHTML here, because we produce PNGs only under
the most difficult conditions (unless it is explicitly requested).
No Richard, I wasn't using LyXHTML. Just the 'plain' HTML export
option. Just tried LyXHTML. What happens here is that the export
contains NO pictures whatsoever: it uses only text with unicode
characters. For example, if I try exporting the displayed formula
\int\frac{dx}{\sqrt{1-x^2}}, all I get in the exported HTML file is
∫ dx 1- x 2.
I think what you're getting is MathML, since that is what we export by
default. This can be controlled a bit under Document> Settings> Output.
If you want PNGs, we can give you that instead.
So the question remains: What is LyX using to do the export when you
export the HTML format? You can find out either (a) by looking to see
what converters are defined under Tools> Preferences, or else (b) by
running LyX from a terminal and seeing what goes by.
PS Remember to cc the list in case someone else has ideas.