Not necessarily, for the former installer, I feel remembering that Üwe was writing to install straight away (being noted that you have been using already the Alt installer), but presently there is no recommendation so why I am asking. Otherwise, I will uninstall and reinstall but uninstalling oblige you to download the bundle to reinstall MikTex



-----Message d'origine----- From: Richard Heck
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 3:38 PM
To: KooShee
Subject: Re: LyX 2.0.3

On 03/28/2012 06:20 PM, KooShee wrote:

Coming from 1.6.10 with MikTex installed and updated.
Shall I uninstall 1.6.10 ahead of installing 2.0.3 or proceed directly with LyX-2.0.3-2-Alt-Installer.exe (being noted that 1.6.10 has been installed with the Alt-Installer) ?

I think the Windows people recommend uninstalling first, but I do not
know for sure.


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