On the first page of the chapter the command: \thispagestyle{myheadings}
puts the page number in the upper right corner, but at the beginning of
the bibliography that command does nothing....
On 02/29/2012 01:41 PM, Richard Heck wrote:
On 02/28/2012 05:18 PM, UD wrote:
Here is a short example. Subsequent pages of the bibliography have
their page number in the upper right corner-- only the first page has
it at the bottom.
Do chapters in AMS books generally put the page number at the bottom
on the first page of the chapter? It is common to use a different page
style for the first page of a chapter, and the bibliography is
generated, I will guess, as a \chapter*. (That's what most books do.)
Ehud Kaplan, Ph.D.
Jules and Doris Stein /Research to Prevent Blindness/ Professor
*Director*, The laboratory of Visual & Computational Neuroscience
*Director*, Center for Excellence in Computational & Systems Neuroscience
/Friedman Brain Institute/
Departments of Neuroscience, Ophthalmology, Structural & Chemical Biology,
The Mount Sinai School of Medicine
One Gustave Levy Place,
NY, NY, 10029