On 02/25/2012 10:11 AM, Frank Fun wrote:

I am using the lyx 1.6.4 "tools ->  statistics" menu item to count the
words in my manuscript.  The manuscript contains a lot of mathematical
symbols which I would like to count as words however.  Lyx counts
characters, but this is unhelpful for me since I would like to count
each individual mathematical operator as a word.

For example, I would like a statement such as "the following equation,
x^y + f," to count as six words (three for the words, three for the
symbols x^y, +, and f).  Instead, lyx counts that statement as three
words.  Any help would be appreciated.

There's no way to affect this without modifying the source, I suspect. You can file an enhancement request concerning this issue, if you wish.


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