On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 11:00 AM, Eric Weir <eew...@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> On Feb 19, 2012, at 9:54 AM, stefano franchi wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 5:13 AM, Eric Weir <eew...@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> On Feb 18, 2012, at 8:16 AM, Eric Weir wrote:
> After both types of imports I get the following message: "Could not find
> LaTeX command for character''(code point 0x2028)
> Some characters of your document are probably not representable in the
> chosen encoding. Changing the document encoding to utf8 could help."
> I've verified that Scrivener uses Unicode UTF8.
> Perhaps you or someone one the list will know what the offending character
> is?
> Googling "codepoint 0x2028" I immediately located a previous post here by
> Jürgen responding to another user's query in which he said it was a line
> separater, and suggested doing a view > view source, locating the offending
> character, which would appear in red.
> I did that. There was only one instance in the source. But when I tried
> compiling after doing so I got the same error. This time I clicked on the
> "view complete log" button in the error window. I found six instances of the
> following error report:
> aa! LaTeX Error: Command \textquotedbl unavailable in encoding OT1., See the
> LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation., Type  H <return>  for
> immediate help.,  ...                                              ,
>                                           , l.380 Evident in \textquotedbl,
>                               {}Avoidable Losses\textquotedbl{}' alternative
> I am not really sure why you are getting this message---in particular
> I'm baffled by the OT1 reference. This is  the old latex (tex)  font
> encoding. It contains only the basic ASCII characters. Did this
> error(s) occur after you tried to compile correctly imported
> Scivener-Latex file? And if so, are you compiling with XeTex or Luatex
> or pdflatex?
> I've started over a couple times--fresh export from Scrivener, compile using
> latex (plain) modified with the 1e UTF8 coding.
> I've searched for the instances of the odd character combinations that in
> Scrivener I thought were single/double quote combinations but that view as
> source look more like a double quote/backtic combination, with the backtic
> sometimes inside and sometimes outside the double quote. As near as I could
> tell from the error messages, these were the offending characters. But after
> deleting them and inserting proper single/double quote combinations and
> compiling I got the same messages.
> One other thing. Jürgen said to view the source, look for the offending
> characters, and delete them. When I view the source I see on red error
> indication, not six, and the error is unrelated to the errors that are
> listed in the compile error window when I view the complete log, i.e., the
> one quoted above. It looks like this:
> \footnote{McNeil, Coppola, Radigan, \& Vasquez Heilig, 2008, 12--14.%
> } The apparent impact of the accountability system came to be widely
> discussed as ``the Texas miracle.'' As such it served as the model
> for other states and eventually the federal No Child Left Behind act.
> <LyX Warning: uncodable character '
> '>
> In case might be of help I'm attaching the complete compile error log from a
> XeTeX compile I tried and got the same error I get with LaTeX compiles. Also
> the Latex document as exported from Scrivener.
> Thanks for your help. I imagine you have more interesting or important
> things to be doing than this.


I am forwarding to the users' list. This problem starts to exceed my
lyx/Latex skills. What I can say is this:

If I:

1.  Import your  file with the modified latex converter

2. Change fonts to non-latex

3. Select  full-coverage unicode fonts like TeX Gyre Termes/Heros

4. Compile with xelatex

Everything goes well.

HOWEVER, the order of the 1-4 operations is crucial on my setup. If,
for instance,  I import and then  try to compile first (step 4), I get
the error you mention. After that, there is no way to get the file to
compile even after switching to non-latex fonts and selecting
appropriate fonts. I have to close the file and reimport it.

1-2-3-4 works
1-4-2-3-4 fails permanently
1-2-4-3-4 fails permanently as well

Closing the file after failure and trying again with the correct
sequence works. This may a lyx bug, I suspect.

More skillful people may provide a deeper answer.



Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies            Ph:   +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University                          Fax:  +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA


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