On 13 Feb 2012, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

>The typical beginner's mistake is to try to fine-tune everything at the
>beginning also if not even the first chapter is ready. The final
>formatting can be changed at every time easily for the whole document.
>(When you publish a book you have anyway to fulfill the publisher's
>guidelines. In most cases the publisher will do the final layout for
>you, if you like this or not.)

When writing books that I am going to print/publish myself my policy is
to use a two-stage process. I write first in a text editor (vim) which
gives me maximum freedom to concentrate on the content my text without
bothering about how it will look. I then import it into LyX to prepare
it for printing. I still make content changes at this stage but the
basic material already exists.


Anthony Campbell - a...@acampbell.org.uk 
Microsoft-free zone - Using Debian GNU/Linux 
http://www.acampbell.org.uk - sample my ebooks at

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