On 02/13/2012 05:41 PM, stefano franchi wrote:
I have been helping Eric Weir with his Scrivener-->LaTeX-->Lyx import
and we have narrowed down the problem to Lyx not importing a
Unicode-encoded file as Unicode.

I'm glad to hear someone was able to help with this. Thanks for your efforts on behalf of the LyX community.

So tex2lyx is the culprit. Wasn't this solved some time ago, however?I
mean: automatic recognition of the imported file encoding?

Well, that's a complicated issue. They may have tried to do a better job, but recognizing the file encoding completely reliably is not in general possible. There's some famous example of this.

Try out the enclosed minimal lyx file.

1. exporting to latex and reimporting into lyx from
FIle>>Import>>Latex(plain) produces garbage characters for the dashes

2. However, calling>tex2lyx -e UTF8 from the command line produces
the correct file.
Still, it's surprising we fail in this particular case, so I'd guess it is indeed a bug. I'll cross-post to devel.


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