Hi In the past I've happily used the CTAN Poor Man's Hieroglyphs package from within LyX to produce very acceptable Egyptian Hieroglyphs.
The thing worked by simply putting into the preamble: \usepackage{hieroglf} Then you could use TeX macros such as \pmglyph{\HA}... and surround this if you wished in \cartouche{ ... } But With more recent versions of LyX (e.g. on a Mac and 1.6.5 on Linux) this seems to be broken, I get the error messages: command \cedover unavailable in encoding T1 command \uunderer unavailable in encoding T1 Any ideas how I should proceed? The way I got into this originally was to copy the LaTeX file: hieroglf-trypmhg.tex to a local directory then import that into LyX. That worked on earlier versions and after cleaning up the TeX a bit I was able to use that as a template. The import produces the same errors re encoding listed above. When I look at the file hieroglf.sty I see that the uunder is defined as: \DeclareTextCommand{\uunder}{OT1}[1]% {{\o@lign{\relax#1\crcr\hidewidth\sh@ft{29}% \vbox to.2ex{\hbox{\char21}\vss}\hidewidth}}} There is a similar command for cedover. As you can see, they use the encoding OT1. How can I set LyX to use OT1 encoding (or is that undesirable)? Regards John O'Gorman