That is not a LyX issue, but a LaTeX, or rather BibTeX/BibLaTeX one which is the underlying citation processor.
Google is your girlfriend :-)-O greetings, el on 2012-01-19 11:13 elloh van said the following: > Dear Sir/Madam, > > I am a LyX user: > > Please I would like to have a clarification on this > pressing issue of mine. > > I have attached two files depicting two categories of > citations. I named them as type-one-citation and > type-two-citation. > > In some processors there is no way one can make a range > citation as shown in the second and third citations in > the file ''type-one-citation'' when your document is > printed. Rather it appears as shown in the second and > third citations in the file ''type-two-citation'' when > your document is printed. > > I would like to know if provisions are made in LyX > to make range citations as in the second > and third citations in the file ''type-one-citation'' when > your document is printed ? > > If yes, where can I find it in LyX ? > > Hope to hearing from you soon. > Thanks. > Best regards. > > Van Wellington Elloh