Thanks again!
I have tried with different values, so this was just one of many tests. But although I also tried with entering pt/mm and also with the asterisk, I always get the same result, the same identation in Itemize. It does not change at all, no matter, which value or asterisk I enter.

Does my file – with another value or the asterisk – change the results in your configuration? Do I have to install enumitem-zref also? I have only installed the normal enumitem-package. Or do I maybe need TeX 2011? I still use 2010.


Am 28.12.2011 um 09:25 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

jezZiFeR wrote:
Now I have tried the same: I cleaned the whole preamble, switched to
standard fonts, removed all modules and the branches – but still it
dooes not work for me. What I want to achieve, is that the paragraph
style listings/Itemize I have the same indentation as in the text.
This is my output:

You keep on changing my suggestion




This cannot work. The value of leftmargin must be a proper value (such as
"6pt" or "10mm"), not just a number. The star is a special value that
maintains that the leftmargin is aligned with the surrounding body text, which
is what you want AFAIU.

Try with the above suggestion (using the *). If this does not look as
intended, try playing with real values instead.


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