Onkelbonus <onkelbonus <at> googlemail.com> writes:

> as the title suggests I have the problem, that even though I did a 
> completly new reinstall of Lyx 2.0.2, I have the problem that I can't 
> insert Graphic files into Lyx (png for instance) without getting this 
> error in pdflatex.  Even when inserted into a absolutly clean new 
> document I get this error for png Graphics. On other PC's my documents 
> work and can be created with pdflatex. ps2pdf, which I have been using 
> for eps graphics still works. Can you help me?

The first thing I'd suggest is to find the 'preference' and 'lyxrc.defaults'
files (they are in ~/.lyx on Linux boxes) and compare the ones on your
problematic machine to their counterparts on a PC where things work. I wonder if
you somehow got a converter for PNG (and JPG?) files installed on your problem
machine that goes through EPS.

If not, I guess the next thing I would try would be to reinstall ImageMagick, in
case something got messed up there (not sure what it would be).

The third possibility would be a change to the converter script in 2.0.2.  I
haven't upgraded to it yet, so I don't know if the default converter script was
modified in a way that might cause this.


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