I'm not sure if this is a problem with Lyx, Inkscape, or their interaction.

I created a SVG file in Inkscape with a linked bitmap image in it. The SVG file 
and image are in the same directory as my Lyx file. I made sure the reference 
to the bitmap in the SVG does not have any path part in it by right clicking on 
the image and selecting "Image properties".  This image is placed in a figure 
float in my Lyx file.

If I move all the files (Lyx, SVG, and PNG) to another directory or computer, 
the SVG file opens and displays correctly in Inkscape and Firefox, but in Lyx 
and in the generated PDF it shows linked bitmap not found instead of the bitmap 
image.  Lyx is configured to use Inkscape as the conversion program for SVG to 
PDF and SVG to PNG.  The problem occurs on both Windows 7 and Ubuntu.

What is Lyx doing differently when it calls Inkscape to convert the file than 
when I open the image in Inkscape?


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