Am 16.11.2011 um 00:05 schrieb Jose Carlos Rodríguez Rodríguez:

> Hello!. My first message! 
> I work with documents with Lyx 2.0.1 in Windows 7 in Spanish.  It works very 
> well. :). Thanks! It is fantastic. xD
>  But could you tell me where is the personal dictionary (default spellchecker 
> engine - hunspell)? :/  What is the file name? Is it possible modify it 
> manually?  Thank you! :)

The personal dictionary is located in %userhome%\AppData\Roaming\LyX2.0 and its 
name is pwl_%languagename%.dict.
E. g. C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\LyX2.0\pwl_ngerman.dict.

Yes, you may modify it. It's a simple text file with UTF-8 encoding containing 
one word per line.
But it's cached by LyX and (over)written to disk on exit. You should change it 
only after quitting LyX.


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