Sorry, here is the minimal file. Forgot to attach it.

2011/11/10 Bianca Kranzusch <>:
> I have a language problem in my thesis. I'm writing in German, and my
> Lyx is set in German.
> I use the following language settings:
> language: Deutsch (German)
> language package: user defined: \usepackage[english,german,ngerman]{babel}
> (I have a lot of English references, so I need to include both English
> and German in babel.)
> My chapters, sections, toc etc. are all nicely in German. But for some
> reason, pagecites aren't.
> As you can see on page 2 of the attached example document, when I use
> refereces to things on different pages and want to add the page, Lyx
> produces the English "on the preceding page" message instead of a
> German expression. (It does the same thing if the mark is more pages
> away. Then it says "on page ..." instead of "auf Seite...".
> How can I fix this?
> Is there a different language setting that I need to appoint for
> references or something?
> Also, if somebody could tell me how to fix that broken horizontal bar
> in the table, I'd be really greatful.
> Any help really appreciated!
> Bianca

Attachment: Diplomarbeit_fixit.lyx
Description: Binary data

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