Enrico Forestieri <forenr <at> lyx.org> writes: > > dc writes: > > > I have synchronize with output set to: \synctex=-1 > > Maybe miktex doesn't understand that? Please, try modifying the converter > from "xelatex $$i" to "xelatex --synctex=-1 $$i" and see whether forward > search works after that. >
In document-settings-output under synchronize with output/custom macro, I get "x elatex --synctex=-1 $$i You're in trouble here. Try typing <return> to proceed. If that doesn't work, type X <return> to quit." if I use exactly what you told me. I also tried --synctex=-1 $$i -synctex=-1 $$i --synctex=-1 -synctex=-1 xelatex \\synctex=-1 $$i etc. But in the end the only thing that passes through are /synctex=-1 /synctex=1 but neither succeeds at reverse search. Double clicking either gives no result or a message: no synchronization file found. I can see lyxeditor.cmd "%f" "%l" in my command line in the sumatra settings window. I must be using that in my reverse search command. I try modifying this to C:\Program Files\LyX20\bin\Lyx.exe "%f" "%l" still no go. I give up...