Capitals are definitely manual in Latex, but I seem to remember that TeX was
able to manage spaces in a contextual way. Also, isn't  Babel supposed to
handle some typographical spaces?


2011/10/20 Helge Hafting <>

> On 20. okt. 2011 11:20, Andrea Montinaro wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> my question is: How can i get capital letter automatically after every
>> dot? and more: How can I have the right space afet comma or bracket etc.?
>> I’m using the lastest LYX version in windows.
>> Thank you very much who can help me and solve these problem.
> LyX does not have such autocorrection, so you can't get it currently. Try
> to type correctly instead, and proofread.
> There are many that don't want to have such autocorrection either, because
> it is immensely irritating when it goes wrong. And it will, probably. At
> least every existing autocorrector has some failures.
> Sometimes, we don't want capitalization, such as in "e.g." This could be
> added as an exception, but LyX support many languages with many different
> rules for captitalization.
> Sometimes, a space after comma is not wanted. In my language, comma is used
> as a decimal separator. (45 cent is $0,45) Having to undo wrong
> "corrections" is much worse than simply having to type correct.
> Also, even "perfect" correction has its problems. I am used to type
> space after comma, with corrections I'd get two spaces. :-(
> Helge Hafting

Prof. Murat Yildizoglu

Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV
Avenue Léon Duguit
33608 Pessac cedex

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