On Tuesday, October 18, 2011 07:04:41 AM Hannu Vuolasaho wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm also writing my thesis with Lyx. My biggest problem is .doc
> template. If I open it on Libreoffice, OpenOffice or MS Office
> with different versions I get subtle changes in printout.
> For example vertical space before image might change little and
> lines length differ. Then there is the typesetting in Lyx. Lyx'
> fonts are generally more readable than Office programs due proper
> kerning.
> Now the problem comes. What is the right layout and how I reproduce
> it with Lyx. If there is trick please tell to list also.

Hi Hannu,

The right layout is whatever your professor says it is. As far as how 
to reproduce that layout, my best advice is, for the frontmatter, use 
either ERT (Embedded LaTeX) or simple customized environments to  
reproduce the desired layout. DO NOT rely on your document class's 
default title, date, author etc -- that's walking the trail of tears.

For the interior of the book, use only styles, try hard not to use 
ERT. Having been on this list for ten years I've seen a lot of 
questions from thesis writers. I'd say 90% of the difficulties have been 
satisfying requirements for the frontmatter, headers/footers, or 
bibliography/cites/references. Only 10% were for the interior of the 

The frontmatter is best (and fairly easily) done with ERT, headers and 
footers are well known as how to accomplish them (fancyfooters), and 
it seems  the bibliography/cites/references problems have been 



Steve Litt
Author: The Key to Everyday Excellence
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stevelitt

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