  Coincidentally, this happens with all the authordate family of
styles, i.e. 1,2,3 and 4. Do you observe the same behaviour on your
system? Using the APA style gives "Ahrens et al., 2000", which is
_correct_, but I prefered authordate3's presentation of the bib

Line 268 of authordate3.bst has the following entry

                { ", {\em et~al.\}\relax" * }

 no spurious spaces here...anywhere else to look?


On 10/13/11, Richard Heck <> wrote:
> On 10/13/2011 02:50 PM, Simon Mushi wrote:
>> Hi,
>>  I am using Lyx 2.0.0 and have written a paper using natbib and the
>> authordate3 bib style. All is well, apart from et al. citations in the
>> body which appear with an extra whitespace before the comma and date,
>> i.e  "(Ahrens et al. , 2000)"
>>  How do I get rid of this space before the comma? I have tried going
>> in the authordate3.bst , but can't find any spurious spaces. Anyone
>> else having this problem?
> So you get it with authordate3 but not with any other style? If so, then
> it's in that bst file somewhere.
> rh

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