I ran the texindy command on the .idx file in a command window. texindy -o Klassieke_Mechanica.ind -v -t Klassiek_mechanica.ilg Klassieke_Mechanica.idx
The result was this error, after msgs of loading modules: Reading raw-index "/tmp/rSPDa36K9q"... ERROR: CHAR: index 0 must be smaller than the length of the string The raw-index contained all index entries in the form: (indexentry :tkey (("eenheden") ("eenhedenstelsels")) :attr "hyperpage" :locref "13") (indexentry :tkey (("eenheden") ("coherente eenheden")) :attr "hyperpage" :locref "14") (indexentry :tkey (("MKS-stelsel")) :attr "hyperpage" :locref "14") ... The logfile was only: ;; This logfile was generated automatically by `xindy' ;; at 07.10.2011 17:54:50 ;; Indexstyle: "/tmp/IVwOG5UFdl", Rawindex: "/tmp/rSPDa36K9q", Output: "Klassieke_Mechanica.ind" ERROR: CHAR: index 0 must be smaller than the length of the string Normally it should proceed with: Building indexentry-tree: Hierdepth of index is :TREE sort-indexentries: (FORWARD BACKWARD FORWARD FORWARD) ... Sincerely, Hubert -- Hubert Christiaen Bloesemlaan 17 3360 Korbeek-Lo Belgium