Sorry, in my last e-mail, I missed the @-sign just before the braces of the
arrow modifier... I still can't get it to work. I even tried copying code from
the manual directly into lyx.Please help me out!
\xymatrix { B \ar[r] &R}
types out: B ---> R
\xymatrix { B \ar@{-->}[r] R}does something like B>^[r] RI
already tried several combinations for spaces and brackets and even tried other
arrow modifiers, checked the XY-guide and the XY tutorial, yet I can't get
things like B - - - >R or B >- - - >R. I keep getting error messages:
"command used out of context", "extra { or forgotten $", "missing { inserted".
by the way, i'm using mac osX and lyx 2.0.. hope somebody can help me out,